Every small thing we do does add up to make a big difference.
Lopees are environmentally-friendly reusable envelopes made from organic cotton and manufactured under a fair trade system in India. Lopees can be used for payments and correspondence in schools, organisations and businesses as well as any other number of uses!
We also specialise in Custom made resusable bags made from substainable products such as Jute, Organic and Natural cotton.
As a parent, have you ever found yourself searching the house for a paper envelope to send something to school, or noticed your child's school books ripped and dirty in the bottom of their bag? Why not check out the Lopees product list for all your school and business solutions?
One A4 sized Lopees costs the same as purchasing 20 Internal Mail envelopes. This means that after 20 uses you won't be purchasing more paper envelopes, and your new Lopees will have paid for itself. Think of the savings in paper and waste disposal cost, let alone to the environment!
Our Mission
Our goal at Lopees is to educate the next generation on sustainable living practices, as well as the many ways that we can all pitch in and help to save our planet.
Our business evolved out of the frustration that we felt as parents when constantly looking for envelopes to send various payments with the kids to school. Upon realising that this action adds even more waste paper to our schools the idea of a reusable envelope was born.
Lopees reduces the need to use paper products, so we are effectively saving our diminishing forests. By purchasing Lopees reusable envelopes your school or business will benefit from the saving of paper envelopes used in internal and external mail, as well as waste paper disposal costs.
Our Mission in 2012 is to continue to introduce our range of environmentally friendly products to as many schools and Businesses in Australia as is possible.
Latest News
School Fundraising
Here is a great idea for a School Fundraiser for Mothers & Fathers Day or Christmas for the children to purchase for gifts.